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    Wedding Date (required)


    Ceremony Time

    Venue Name (required)

    Venue Address (required)

    Venue Phone


    Reception Time (required)

    Venue Name (required)

    Venue Address (required)

    Venue Phone (required)

    Venue Email

    Bridal Party

    Bride Name (required)

    Bride Cell (required)

    Number of Bridesmaids

    Maid of Honour cell (required)

    Bride Preparation Address (required)

    Planned Time for Preparation

    Groom's Party

    Groom Name (required)

    Groom Cell (required)

    Number of Groomsmen

    Best Man cell number

    Groomsmen Preparation Address (required)

    Planned time for preparations

    Dress Designer

    Designer email

    Designer Website

    Hair Stylist

    Hair Stylist Email

    Hair Stylist Website

    Make-up Artist

    Make-up Artist Email

    Make-up Artist Website

    General Information

    Family Photo Combinations (Any special family members and combinations that need to be photographed)

    Additional details and special requests

    Where does Photography fall in order of importance for your day? (required)

    On a Scale of 1 – 10, how interested are you in having ORGANICTALES, Landi Groenewald photograph your wedding? (required)

    Deposit Paid Reference (See payment section below)

    Short form Online Booking

    This contract stands as an agreement between ORGANICTALES, Landi Groenewald and the Clients (as defined by the forms above). From here on ORGANICTALES, Landi Groenewald will be referred to as the Photographer and the Clients will be referred to as the Clients


    All parties agree that any dealings and forms of communication will be handled in a respectful and professional manner before, during and after the event.


    Clients are required to pay a 50% non-refundable deposit as a booking fee to secure the wedding date. The remaining amount will be required to be paid in full at least 2 days before your wedding date. If the remaining amount does not reflect 12 hours before the wedding date, the Photographer reserves the right not to photograph the wedding.
    In the case of cancellation, the booking fee is non-refundable.
    Please send proof of payment to
    If you require banking details please send a request to the same email address.

    Seating and Dinner

    Client needs to provide seating, food and refreshments for the Photographer and assistant (if applicable) at the reception.

    Schedule, Special Events and Family Members

    Clients will inform the Photographer in advance of the wedding date of the scheduled wedding plan, any special events and of any family members and friends that are required to be photographed. The Photographer will not be held responsible if any family members or friends are not present during the allocated time for family photography.

    Use of Photos

    The Photographer, ORGANICTALES reserves the copyright of all the photos and will be permitted to use and publish the photos online or use the photos for any promotional work. The Clients reserve the right to reproduce the photos for any and all personal and family use and publication to social media accounts, but will not sell any of the photos. Clients will not alter or edit the photos in any capacity. The Photographer is released from any and all liability claims in connection with the photographs.


    If the Photographer cannot perform this Agreement due to a fire or other casualty, disease or other cause beyond the control of the parties, or due to Photographer’s illness, then the Photographer shall return the deposit to the Client but shall have no further liability with respect to the Agreement. This limitation on liability shall also apply in the event that photographic materials are damaged in processing, lost through camera malfunction, lost in the mail, or otherwise lost, stolen or damaged.

    Long Form Contract

    Clients agree that this short form online booking form will be completed alongside the hard copy, long form contract which the Photographer will provide either via email or during the pre-wedding consultation.


    Digital products can take up to 1 – 3 months to be ready while printed products can take up to 1 – 5 months to be ready. Photographer will not be held responsible if products were damaged in the mail or after Clients received the products.

    We agree to the terms and conditions above:*