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south african wedding photographer

Die Woud Wedding – Chrisna & Phillip

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Die Woud.

~’n Afrikaanse Hoofstuk.

Die Ontmoeting:

Ek en Phillip het mekaar einde Februarie ontmoet, 6 April het hy my uitgevra en 27 Desember het hy my gevra om sy vrou te word. Hy en my ma het saam gekonkel terwyl ek niks vermoed het nie. Ons gesin het die dag besluit om almal wit aan te trek, n piekniekmandjie te pak en die sonsondergang oor die Vrystaatse vlaktes te geniet op my ouers se plaas. Min weet ek dat Phillip my om die hand gaan vra!  Hy en my Ma het alles haarfyn beplan.

Die geduldige man:

Ek was oorspronklik aangetrokke tot my man se vermoeë om my te laat skaterlag tot die trane loop.  Vandag waardeer ek sy sagtheid, deernis en geduld waarmee hy my hanteer.

Die spontane vrou:

My Chrisi-pop se onmenslike mooi aura wat sy uitstraal het my totaal en al tot haar aangetrek.  Dit is so heerlik om saam met haar te wees en sy is altyd so gelukkig en spontaan.

Die Rok:

My Ma het eendag vir my gesê, “Sussie, kom ons kyk trourokke as jy die vakansie Vrystaat toe kom.”  Ek het op ‘n bruidswinkel se webtuiste na rokke gaan kyk en dadelik verlief geraak op n rok. Ek het die rok gaan “stalk” op pinterest en daardie vakansie toe ek die rok gaan pas, toe pas hy perfek! Die rok word toe bestel en 5 maande later, toe die rok uiteindelik in Suid-Afrika arriveer, is die rok hopeloos te groot en heeltemal die verkeerde kleur! Dit was 2 weke voor die troue en almal het namens my gestress.  Ek was egter rustig! Hoe opwindend?! Shopping so kort voor jou troue! Ek het n paar afsprake gaan maak, en op die tweede dag van my soektoeg by Cindy Bam opgeëindig.  Daar hang my rok! Amper presies soos my oorspronklike rok, net nog mooier!  Die rok het my boonop soos ‘n handskoen gepas!


Sanmarie Botha se talent het my droom vir die perfekste haarstyl laat waar word.  Ek is versot op die haarstyle in die rolprent, “Gone with the Wind.” en wou graag my troue se styl daar by laat in val.  My hare het heel dag gehou en mooi gelyk en a.g.v Sanmarie se handewerk was ek glad nie bekommerd dat dit sal uitsak nie.


Formele Troudag:

Ons troue was formeel. Ons wou n regte ouwêreldse, spoggerige troue hê, waarop almal hul blinkste skoene kon afgestof. Ons wou gehad hê ons gaste moet mooi voel en die aand se mooi geniet.  Om vir ‘n dag in ‘n ander wêreld in te stap en jou mooiste uitrusting te kan aantrek. Baie troues is deesdae baie informeel en mense het nie so gereeld die geleentheid om spoggerig aan te trek nie en dus wou ons vir ons gaste die geleentheid gee daarvoor. Ons troue was kristal, Swart en Wit. Wat anders pas tog beter by n “black tie event” as swart en wit? Ek het my hele lewe gedroom om eendag onder bome te trou en laaaaang tafels te hê! Toe ek Die Woud sien, toe weet ek net; Dis waar ons gaan trou! Dit was die eerste en laaste venue wat ons gaan kyk het.


Spesiale oomblik:

Die oomblik wanneer jy mekaar vir die eerste keer sien is onbeskryflik mooi en intiem.  Om mekaar se hande te vat voor jou naaste vriende en familie wanneer die rustigheid oor jou neer daal en jy besef – die oomblik en person vir wie jy jou lewe lank gewag het, is hier.

Die Fotograaf:

Landi Groenewald van Organictales het so baie moeite ingesit.  Sy het ure se beplanning aan ons tydlyn verleen en ek kon altyd op haar knoppie druk as ek raad nodig gehad het.  Sy het soveel geduld gehad en ons op ons gemaak laat voel, wat vir ons baie belangrik was.

As ons iets kon verander:

Hou by jou program en vergeet van die gaste wat laat opdaag.  Dis jou dag en onnodig om vir hulle koms te wag.  Dit sit jou hele program agter en veroorsaak ‘n groot gejaag.  Doen jou ding en bogger die res!  Moenie dat iemand jou grootste en spesiaalste dag bederf nie, net jy kan dit toelaat.


Geniet elke oomblik!  Mens beplan soveel maande aan die groot dag en in ‘n oogwink is dit alles verby!  Kry ‘n goeie fotograaf en videograaf – die visuele oomblikke is als wat jy oor hou van jou spesiale dag.  Belangrikste van als – hou by jou tydskedule!

Kalahari DJ:

Phillip is versot op musiek! Van toeka af vertel hy my van die Kalahari DJ wat die gehoor so goed kan lees.  Musiek maak of breek beslis jou troue!  Jy kan nie net ‘n playlist aanmekaar sit en laat waai nie. ‘n Goeie DJ het die talent en vermoeë om te sien hoe die gaste reageer en wat om te speel om almal op hul tone en op die dansvloer en gelukkig te hou.
Daleen word toe ingevoer al die pad van Upington af! En glo my, die partytjie was vuur en vlam tot op die laaste nippertjie!


Dit was begin Februarie toe my hart terug roep Wes-Kaap toe. 
Ek het al vergeet hoeveel beter wyn in die Boland proe.
Een somersaand bevind ek my op my vriendin se plaas, 
my hart was weer rustig en onstlae van die geraas. 
Die buurman nooi ons toe na ‘n plaasbraai by die dam. 
Die samesyn was sonskyn en ‘n vuurtjie vat toe vlam.
Aanvanklik het ek die vuur probeer vermy, 
want die seun van die plaas was nogal arrogant volgens my. 
Die seun van die plaas het ‘n boodskap op Facebook gestuur. 
Ek het steeds niks daarvan gemaak nie, 
maar die geselskap was ‘n plesier. 

Kort daarna was ek oppad na die Vrystaat. 
Twee vriende het getrou. 
Ek het gedink ek gaan saam met die man wat my hart vir jare vas kon hou.
Min wetend dat hy op die nippertjie sou laat weet hy kan dit nie maak. 
Die seun van die plaas, het my toe by die lughawe kom haal.
Nooit het ek geweet dat ek eendag sy vrou sou raak. 
Hy het my hart gevat en hom stywer vasgehou, 
en kort voor lank, op my ouers se plaas, het hy my gevra om met hom te trou.

~C. Mouton Burger



Liewe Diensverskaffers.  Vreeslik baie dankie vir julle elkeen se bydrae tot Phillip en Chrisna se huweliksbevestiging.  Sonder julle kennis en talent sou ek nie hierdie mooi foto’s kon vasvang nie.  Daar sal binnekort ‘n webskakel beskikbaar gestel word om foto’s af te laai vir gebruik.  Vir nou, deel asb hierdie blog skakel op sosiale media tot die aflaai skakel beskikbaar is.  Liefde, Landi.

Fotograaf: Organictales

Rok: Cindy Bam

Venue: Die Woud

Grimering: Mariette Conradie

Hare: Sanmarie Botha

Videograaf: Alleta Francina

Troukoek:  Birdcage

Skryfbehoeftes:  Rob Signs

Tafeldoek:  Bloomprints

Blomme: Marlize Mouton, Maria Delgardo en Chrisna Mouton Burger

Dekor: Chrisna Mouton Burger

Papier blomme tydens Seremonie: Moody Affair

Blomme van onthaal, handruikers en blommekranse: Maria Delgardo en Marlize Mouyon

Blommemeisies se rokke: Hezanne Viljoen

DJ: Daleen Burger

Spyseniers: Die Woud

Diamant Estate Wedding – Sara & Morgan

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Diamant Estate Wedding.

~The Manor House Chapter

The Meeting.

Sara and I met on flight BD772 on Saturday the 17th October 2009. We were each returning to London from Cairo after separately travelling to Egypt with different friends.
My trip had been slightly traumatic and included being scammed into buying fake perfume in Cairo, unnecessarily riding camels (instead of taking a bus!) to the pyramids, being detained by the Egyptian army for several hours at a military base in Suez, getting lost and arriving at the Israeli border during the night and bursting an ear drum whilst diving in Dahab. Sara has been far wiser (as usual) and booked a guided holiday that went fantastically.
Sara found me speaking to a friend in the aisle and the three of us sparked up a conversation. She had only recently arrived in Europe and was eager to share her contiki adventures whilst we tried to impress her with our own recent  stories from Egypt. We chatted for the entire flight before sharing contact details when it was time to return to our seats for landing.
I was initially drawn to Sara since she was always up for an adventure. Over time I realised that she was an extremely kind and compassionate person which makes her a wonderful companion. It also doesn’t hurt that we have many similar tastes in terms of food, travel, music etc.
Morgan’s story about how we met is 100% true! It was one of the most interesting flights ever. I remember thinking these guys were really funny, and their misadventures in Egypt sounded like something out of fiction, so very impressive! Morgan did well despite being barely able to hear me with his burst ear drum. When it was time to leave them, I remember watching them walk through the border together, and hoping that I would get the chance to see him again. He has said he was doing the same thing, and hearing him say that on our wedding night made me realise how lucky we are.
Over our years together I have been constantly drawn to Morgan, and as our time grew, he has pulled me closer. He is kind, loving, and respects me for who I am. He says I’m up for adventure and that’s true, but he has always been the one searching for our next little trip, and sometimes I can take some convincing to go along for the ride. It is because of him that have I learnt to ski, scuba dive, drive a car, climb a mountain, ride around Asia on a scooter, and perhaps most exotic of all, go to Cuba on whim without really knowing what to expect. I have him to thank for bringing out the best in me, and I love that we are going to have a whole lifetime together to keep adventuring. He is my best friend.


The Proposal.

The proposal went down terribly! I had known for several years that I wanted to propose to Sara and despite usually being impatient I planned it thoroughly. On a holiday home over Christmas I discussed my plans with my parents and my father very kindly gave me the stone from his mother’s engagement ring. I returned to London and found a jeweler to commission a bespoke ring in time for our summer holiday to Corfu. Unfortunately the ring wasn’t quite ready on time but it was our final trip for the summer and after consulting a few of my female friends I decided to proceed without the ring! After arriving in Corfu I planned to pop the question at a romantic little restaurant on a jetty over the ocean. On the afternoon that we were due to have dinner there we found ourselves sitting alone at a restaurant overlooking a beautiful beach called Agios Gordios. Sara commented on how perfect the setting was and I spontaneously decided to do it then and there! Unfortunately I didn’t drop a knee and had no ring so she initially thought that I was joking! It wasn’t exactly smooth sailing but she said yes and shortly after we had a celebratory drink with my brother and his fiance.


The proposal was not a fairy tale! I had no idea Morgan was planning to propose. I had for years (despite not thinking it would happen) prepared what I would say if he ever proposed to me and I can say that I said none of that!

The beach was beautiful. Turquoise water, steep cliffs and it was virtually empty apart from us, perched on a sand dune watching the sun set. I can see why he threw caution to the wind! After I said yes and apologised for not taking him seriously, I thought about everything I wished I said, and later, I said it all. I think we both felt better after that. The next few days were surreal, and spending those times with Damian and Thomas made it even more special. When we got back to London, many of our friends also shared their own proposal stories… as it turns out, it NEVER goes to plan!

The Rings.

Sara’s engagement ring is a bespoke design that uses my grandmother’s diamond as it’s main feature. We decided to get matching wedding bands that were made from the same material as the engagement ring. We found a local jeweler in London to provide these but when we went to visit Sara thought that I looked stressed out about the process. When we left I admitted that I had had a terrible headache in the shop explained my facial expressions. Nevertheless the rings turned out perfectly!

My engagement ring is important to me. Morgan’s family gave him the diamond from his grandmother’s ring, which is very sentimental. From that moment, I felt like I had been trusted with an important responsibility. On top of that, Morgan had designed the ring in secret, and I admire him for his resolve to do that. It ring is beautiful, I love it, and it’s an honour to wear a family heirloom. Our wedding bands are very simple, owing to Morgan having a very bad headache while we were in the shop, so designs were decided swiftly. Ultimately, the simplicity is exactly what we both wanted

Diamant Estate Wedding.

We fell in love with Diamant Estate on our first visit. The whole venue is fantastic but we were drawn to the Manor House and the lovely lawn overlooking Paarl. We couldn’t have been happier with our choice and it would seem that our guests agreed since many commented on the venue during the wedding day.

Peter Smallbones, a priest from the Claremont Baptist Church, officiated. Peter’s wife works with my mother who suggested that we consider him. We chose him because he was known to the family and also because of his very relaxed and friendly demeanor.

Mon Amour Events – Jessica Thiart.

We found Jessica Thiart of Mon Amour Events through our friends Mike and Antonia. They had a lovely wedding in Stellenbosch and couldn’t stop raving about Jessica so we asked for her details and met to discuss our plans a few days later. We really couldn’t rate this service highly enough! Jessica was instrumental in every aspect of the event and we never could have done it without her. It was especially useful since we are based overseas. We especially liked her consistently  calm demeanor which allowed us to enjoy the day to the fullest!

We approached Jessica from Mon Amour Events for her business card at our friends, Mike and Antonia’s wedding. We loved the wedding in Stellenbosch, and after months of indecision on where we would be married, we finally knew it be possible in South Africa. From the very beginning Jessica was perfect for us. Extremely organised, and patient with us being far away, she did an amazing job of organising our wedding. People always say things go wrong on your wedding day…that is not an option if Jessica is on your team!

Cape  Town Wedding Photographer.

We found Landi and Organictales through a recommendation from my dad after he had seen some of her work online. We really liked her style and thought that it might be a small way that we could include my dad in our planning. We met Landi for a coffee and her service ever since has been absolutely phenomenal. She is incredibly professional, responsive, organised, relaxed and passionate. We knew that the photos would form an import part of our memories of the day and are so pleased with the beautiful pictures from Organictales!

Morgan’s dad suggested Organictales after his love of horses led him to gorgeous shot of girl and horse which was taken by Landi. We had already been offered a list of photographers from our wedding planner, but we both liked the creativity of Landi’s photographs and also thought we could include Morgan’s dad in the planning by choosing his suggestion. It was the right decision. Landi is a professional. I loved her commitment to getting a shot right, and importantly as someone who is by default uncomfortable in front of a camera, she did her best to make me feel comfortable and beautiful. I’m sure our wedding photos will capture the happiness of the day


Service Providers:
(Please do not copy, lift or download images from this site. A Downloadable Link will be made available to service providers to download images soon)

Venue:  Diamant Estate

Photography: Organictales
Assistants:  Anje van Dalen  &  Graham Richardson

Coordination and Planning: Mon Amour Events

Catering: Red Pepper Catering

Lighting: Authentic Planning

Flowers: Bouwer Flowers

Live Entertainment: Angelo and Jane

DJ and Sound: Music 2 the Max

Chris & Anje’s Knorhoek Wedding

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Knorhoek Autumn Wedding

~A Photographer’s tale.

I met Chris & Anje a few months back while attending the Admired in Africa Photographic Conference.  During one of the practical sessions, I got to photograph Anje in one of her Silver Swallow dresses and I remember thinking, “Wow!  She is such a dream to photograph!  She’s going to be a stunning bride one day! Lucky photographer who gets to photograph her wedding!
So you can imagine the excitement I felt when she contacted me, asking for my wedding collections.
Chris, on the other hand is an extremely humble and fun guy who made the day such an easy breeze of laughter.
Together they manage a successful photography business named Madison & West.
Read their story:


When Photographers fall in love.

We met through mutual friends (Taryn aka mev Pretoria and our MC Quentin).  Chris was their Wedding photographer and I was Joshua’s (their little boy) first nursery school teacher.

It wasn’t love at first sight, but we had a mutual love for photography and we became friends instantly.  I was drawn to his honesty and the fact that he loves Christ and he liked the fact that I had the same passion for God & photography and that I was a teacher. 

Our friendship bloomed into an unfailing love and 6 months down the line we found each other’s hearts.

 F.R.I.E.N.D.S Proposal in New York.

It was a very cold and wet day in New York.  We were looking for a coffee shop where we could get something to drink but, most of the shops were packed because it was pouring down with rain.  We found a little stationary shop where I bought 2 books, a pen and a pencil and then I realised that we were near the F.R.I.E.N.D.S apartment building (the one they show in between scenes, with the red coffee shop) and suggested that maybe it would be a cool idea to go and have coffee there as it was our last day in Manhattan and we are such F.R.I.E.N.D.S fans.

The coffee shop was full but they had a little ledge in the window slil where we could sit and wait for a table…as it was super cozy, we decided to have our coffee right there instead of waiting for a table.  Chris wanted to write me a little note in my book so I gave him a moment and when I turned around, to my surprise I saw a note along with my engagement ring.  The note read:

Cnr of Bedford & Grove

“I’ll be there for you”

Wel vandag vra ek my beste vriend om te trou.


Ps-dink dis nogal ’n cool spot

Baie lief vir jou

I was overcome with emotion and said yes instantly!

Lady Anne Bridal and Mia’s Make-up.

Chris’s mom has a bridal studio called Lady Anne Bridal.  I absolutely adore her wedding gowns as she stocks some of the best names in the wedding industry.  I chose the Katerina by Enzoani (Blue collection 2018) and I felt like a princess (which is so very cliche, but on your wedding day you don’t care for feeling like a million bucks…oops, another cliche!).

Mia from Mia’s makeup.  We didn’t have time for a trial and I have got to say, she nailed the look I wanted!  Super happy!

 A Classic and Humble Style.

Because Chris and I are both Wedding photographers, we have seen so many different settings and themes.  So we instantly knew what we liked and disliked as we have discussed this on many occasions.

Cape Town was a great influence for us.  Since we love the Cape so much, we decided to get married on Knorhoek wine estate.  Fynbos that was in season was also a big influence on our day.  We felt like we wanted to be reminded whenever we see that specific fynbos, that time of year, to transport us back to our wedding day and how beautiful everything looked.  We also decided to have olive branches as a representation of new beginnings in our decor.  

With our wedding style we tried to keep it classic and humble.

We love everything about Knorhoek wine estate and the people on the farm are like family to us.  So when we started looking at venues we knew immediately that this is where we wanted to get married as it wouldn’t feel right to get married anywhere else.

The Most Memorable Moment of the Day.

For me:  Definitely when I saw Chris as I walked down the aisle.  When we met each other at the front, he couldn’t stop telling me how beautiful I looked.

For him:  When we walked out of the venue as husband & wife. 

For us:  The breaking of the glass which serves as a symbol that no one will drink from our Marital cup.

A Father’s message.

My dad officiated the ceremony.  It was a personal decision, one that we are very glad we made and something we will cherish as his message was confirmation on many things we have prayed about without him knowing.

Photography & Videography on the day.

Landi is a very hands on photographer.  Her communication was thorough throughout and we loved all the sneak peeks she sent us.

As we are both wedding photographers, we understand that Landi experienced extra pressure regarding our photos.  So far we are pleasantly surprised with her skill, not only regarding taking photos but also her editing.  She has really bent backwards for us and we can see the passion she has for capturing people’s stories.  She is not just a photographer who captured our special day, but also a friend and we will highly recommend her!

Willem and Conrad Kriel from Willem Foster Photography, did the videography of our wedding.  They had fine attention to detail and handled us with great care.  Very focussed, they know what they want to shoot and they worked well with Landi and with us.  The way Willem also treated our guests was also something that stood out to us.

Jewelers with attention to detail.

We work with wedding jewellers as we are both photographers.  Suvette and Johann (from Piccolo) are true artists and we value their artistic expertise. Suvette phoned me one day with a cool idea to engrave the word “Friends” on the inside of Chris’s ring and I loved that she thought of little details such as this as this just added so beautifully to our story

Towerbosch co-ordinators!

Lize and Marquerite from Towergoed was our wedding co-ordinators.  They listened to our ideas and turned that into something spectacular.  We didn’t have to worry about anything because they were on top of everything and we would like to really give our sincere thanks to these two awesome women and dear friends of ours.  We wouldn’t have trusted anyone else with our wedding day & they made it extra special with your fine attention to detail, love and care. What a great team! 

The reception was at Towerbosch restaurant, and by far has the best cuisine we have ever tasted.
On the menu:

Sesame crusted chicken salad.

Braised Lamb Shoulder
Beef Fillet
Golden Roasted Potatoes
Melange of Vegetables
Pumpkin fritters

Towerbosch “Grootgebak” and Wedding Cake.

Advice to other couples.

Make sure that your wedding portrays who you are as a couple.  So many people are so obsessed with trends that they forget to “check” if that trend fits their personalities that when they look back at their wedding images 10 years from now their wedding feels very outdated and sometimes over the top.

The Day described in one sentence.

A humble, yet great celebration of two best friends who promised to love each other for the rest of their lives.

Honeymoon in New York.

Our honeymoon was the best!  We went back to New York City and obviously enjoyed every minute.  We also visited friends in Vegas and had the opportunity to do a few shoots there as well.  Pictures below are some of the photos we took of ourselves.

Service Providers:

Venue:  Knorhoek 


Videography:  Willem Foster Photography

Dress:  Lady Anne Bridal

Make-up Artist:  Mia’s makeup

Hair Extentions:  Strands of love

Cake:  The Perfect Match

Cape Town Wedding – Conrad & Sanet

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Cape Town Wedding

~An AfrikaBurn Chapter


“We met on 15 January 5 years ago at a friend’s welcoming back party from Canada.  The party was at Pakolo Beach Bar in Houtbay and Conrad and I started a conversation about AfrikaBurn Outreach.  I was very keen to get involved in the outreach and the charity side of AfrikaBurn which is something that Conrad and his friend Rob Weinek started a few years earlier.  The party moved to my friend, Danielle’s house and it went in to the early morning hours with lots of laughing, dancing and guitar playing out on the porch.  Two days later, two different friends informed me that Conrad would like to have my number so he could take me out on a date.  Conrad’s generous and kind heart is what drew me to him.  He always try to give back to people less fortunate than himself and he is also a little old fashioned which I like.

On my birthday, 3 years ago, Conrad planned a big surprise; A secret he and my friends kept from me for months! Friends were so scared of accidentally saying something or letting the cat out of the bag that they avoided me and didn’t talk to me, so I was completely in the dark!  For my birthday he booked us in to the Twelve Apostles Hotel and after a whole bunch of funny things happened, he proposed to me after dinner.  It was absolutely amazing!  The room had so many rose petals thrown all over that we could hardly open the hotel room door!  I really did not expect a thing!  I initially thought that the hotel really over did things for a birthday and I was completely oblivious to the fact that this beautiful man was going to pop the question!”


Service Providers:
(Please do not copy, lift or screenshot images from this page. A downloadable link will soon be made available for all images)

Coordinator: Mon Amour Events


Catering: Two Chefs Catering

Dress: The Wedding Boutique

Hair: Craig Taylor

Make-up: Algria Ferreira



Chrisna & Phillip Engagement

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Chrisna & Phillip

How the Proposal went down.

One weekend I was visiting with a friend where we were invited to spend the weekend like a real bunch of farmers next to a dam.  This farm just happened to be my future husband’s farm!  When we first met, I thought this guy was a real show-off and didn’t quite like him as much.  But there was a specific photo taken that weekend which my friend really wanted, and the week after I decided to just ask him via Facebook for it.  As I was about to send Phillip a message asking for the photo, he sent me a message at the same time and that’s when we started really talking!

A week later I was meant to be someone’s date at a wedding up in Bloemfontein.  After flying up to Bloemfontein, the most humiliating experience happened as my date did not read his invite and realized at the last minute that he couldn’t bring a date.  Embarrassed and sad, I got on a plane back to Cape Town and Phillip was the one who fetched me at the airport.  He gave up his Sunday and took away all the pain and humiliation.  After a month of talking and lots of sushi dates, I started to realize what true love looked like.

In December 2017, we went to my family’s farm in the Free State for Christmas.  Phillip gave me the biggest surprise by asking me the big question on top of a little rocky hill.  He had it all carefully planned with my mom, without me suspecting a thing!

Where and When do you plan on having your Wedding?

We decided on Die Woud in Caledon.  I have always dreamed of a wedding under trees and Die Woud is just perfect for this.  They also have a beautiful glass reception area which really adds to the atmosphere.


How do you know your fiance loves you?

Chrisna: I can see in Phillips eyes and the way he looks at me that he truly loves me.  You can feel when someone really loves you, they don’t even have to say it.

Phillip:  I know that Chrisna loves me because she does everything to the fullest for me.  She always gives her best and tries to spoil me in some way.


What do you look most forward to about your new journey together?

To not being alone anymore and to have my best friend by my side for the rest of our lives.  To start a family and decorate our house.  I look forward to holidays, ups and downs together and spending life with my best friend always and forever.

Benjamin & Francelle – Paarl Wedding

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Benjamin & Francelle

~A Medieval Festival

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st, Nor shall death brag thou wand’rest in his shade, When in eternal lines to Time thou grow’st. So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


The Proposal

Ben proposed during a getaway in January 2018. We went glamping near Caledon, and one evening before dinner he just went down on one knee and popped the question. There was no cellphone signal, so we had to wait two days to tell everyone!

A Golden Dress.

My dress is a one of a kind Elria Ellis creation. Elria is my aunt, and she asked me whether I would allow her to make the dress. Naturally I said YES! We discussed the colour and design at length, and since I was not keen on a normal white dress, we decided that gold, with and undertone of grey, would be the best choice. It took her just under a year to make the dress, and it will forever be one of my most prized possessions.

The Infamous Ring Adventure

Oh my goodness, my ring! That story has become something of a legend. First of all, it is a Jack Friedman ring, with Benjamins’ grandmother’ diamond. So not only is this a beautiful ring, but it has a legacy.
I was driving to school one Friday morning in March, and a truck broke down on the N1. All the cars were at a complete standstill. While we waited for the truck to be cleared. I decided to put cream on my hands. I took off my ring, placed in my lap, put on cream and promptly forgot about it. At some point people started getting out of their cars, and I followed suit. I was wearing a long dress, and with the motion of getting out of the car, the ring fell onto the side of the road. I had no idea. It was only when I got to Paarl, and looked down at my hands somewhere around 10am, that I realised that my ring was gone. I promptly died and emotional death. I had no idea where my ring was. After racking my brain I remembered the cream and the N1 and the getting out of my car. I asked permission to leave school early, and I went back to search. I searched the entire stretch of road for longer than an hour, but found nothing. I called my mom. She was in a state of shock. My only thought was telling Benjamin that I lost his grandmother’s diamond. I thought he would leave me for sure! He worked late that evening. I did not sleep well.
The next morning, my mother phoned me, waking me up. She declared that she and my father are on the way to the N1 to search for the ring. She was adamant that it was somewhere there. I went to assist them, but not expecting anything  – I already searched every inch. Before I left, I had to tell Benjamin. I remember him being incredibly calm and collected. He was not mad. All he said was, “we’ll get through this, my love”. My mom, dad and I searched on the side of the N1 as cars raced past us. After quite some time. My mother stood still, just clutching her chest. I did not understand why she did that, until I went to her and she showed me the ring. She said, “I found it.” She, my dad and I promptly started crying. Next to the N1. In our tracksuits. On a Saturday morning 7am.
And that is the story not of how I lost my ring, but how it was FOUND.



Service Providers:

Photography:  ORGANICTALES
Videography: AMBIENT FILMS