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south african wedding

Die Woud Wedding – Chrisna & Phillip

By WeddingOne Comment

Die Woud.

~’n Afrikaanse Hoofstuk.

Die Ontmoeting:

Ek en Phillip het mekaar einde Februarie ontmoet, 6 April het hy my uitgevra en 27 Desember het hy my gevra om sy vrou te word. Hy en my ma het saam gekonkel terwyl ek niks vermoed het nie. Ons gesin het die dag besluit om almal wit aan te trek, n piekniekmandjie te pak en die sonsondergang oor die Vrystaatse vlaktes te geniet op my ouers se plaas. Min weet ek dat Phillip my om die hand gaan vra!  Hy en my Ma het alles haarfyn beplan.

Die geduldige man:

Ek was oorspronklik aangetrokke tot my man se vermoeë om my te laat skaterlag tot die trane loop.  Vandag waardeer ek sy sagtheid, deernis en geduld waarmee hy my hanteer.

Die spontane vrou:

My Chrisi-pop se onmenslike mooi aura wat sy uitstraal het my totaal en al tot haar aangetrek.  Dit is so heerlik om saam met haar te wees en sy is altyd so gelukkig en spontaan.

Die Rok:

My Ma het eendag vir my gesê, “Sussie, kom ons kyk trourokke as jy die vakansie Vrystaat toe kom.”  Ek het op ‘n bruidswinkel se webtuiste na rokke gaan kyk en dadelik verlief geraak op n rok. Ek het die rok gaan “stalk” op pinterest en daardie vakansie toe ek die rok gaan pas, toe pas hy perfek! Die rok word toe bestel en 5 maande later, toe die rok uiteindelik in Suid-Afrika arriveer, is die rok hopeloos te groot en heeltemal die verkeerde kleur! Dit was 2 weke voor die troue en almal het namens my gestress.  Ek was egter rustig! Hoe opwindend?! Shopping so kort voor jou troue! Ek het n paar afsprake gaan maak, en op die tweede dag van my soektoeg by Cindy Bam opgeëindig.  Daar hang my rok! Amper presies soos my oorspronklike rok, net nog mooier!  Die rok het my boonop soos ‘n handskoen gepas!


Sanmarie Botha se talent het my droom vir die perfekste haarstyl laat waar word.  Ek is versot op die haarstyle in die rolprent, “Gone with the Wind.” en wou graag my troue se styl daar by laat in val.  My hare het heel dag gehou en mooi gelyk en a.g.v Sanmarie se handewerk was ek glad nie bekommerd dat dit sal uitsak nie.


Formele Troudag:

Ons troue was formeel. Ons wou n regte ouwêreldse, spoggerige troue hê, waarop almal hul blinkste skoene kon afgestof. Ons wou gehad hê ons gaste moet mooi voel en die aand se mooi geniet.  Om vir ‘n dag in ‘n ander wêreld in te stap en jou mooiste uitrusting te kan aantrek. Baie troues is deesdae baie informeel en mense het nie so gereeld die geleentheid om spoggerig aan te trek nie en dus wou ons vir ons gaste die geleentheid gee daarvoor. Ons troue was kristal, Swart en Wit. Wat anders pas tog beter by n “black tie event” as swart en wit? Ek het my hele lewe gedroom om eendag onder bome te trou en laaaaang tafels te hê! Toe ek Die Woud sien, toe weet ek net; Dis waar ons gaan trou! Dit was die eerste en laaste venue wat ons gaan kyk het.


Spesiale oomblik:

Die oomblik wanneer jy mekaar vir die eerste keer sien is onbeskryflik mooi en intiem.  Om mekaar se hande te vat voor jou naaste vriende en familie wanneer die rustigheid oor jou neer daal en jy besef – die oomblik en person vir wie jy jou lewe lank gewag het, is hier.

Die Fotograaf:

Landi Groenewald van Organictales het so baie moeite ingesit.  Sy het ure se beplanning aan ons tydlyn verleen en ek kon altyd op haar knoppie druk as ek raad nodig gehad het.  Sy het soveel geduld gehad en ons op ons gemaak laat voel, wat vir ons baie belangrik was.

As ons iets kon verander:

Hou by jou program en vergeet van die gaste wat laat opdaag.  Dis jou dag en onnodig om vir hulle koms te wag.  Dit sit jou hele program agter en veroorsaak ‘n groot gejaag.  Doen jou ding en bogger die res!  Moenie dat iemand jou grootste en spesiaalste dag bederf nie, net jy kan dit toelaat.


Geniet elke oomblik!  Mens beplan soveel maande aan die groot dag en in ‘n oogwink is dit alles verby!  Kry ‘n goeie fotograaf en videograaf – die visuele oomblikke is als wat jy oor hou van jou spesiale dag.  Belangrikste van als – hou by jou tydskedule!

Kalahari DJ:

Phillip is versot op musiek! Van toeka af vertel hy my van die Kalahari DJ wat die gehoor so goed kan lees.  Musiek maak of breek beslis jou troue!  Jy kan nie net ‘n playlist aanmekaar sit en laat waai nie. ‘n Goeie DJ het die talent en vermoeë om te sien hoe die gaste reageer en wat om te speel om almal op hul tone en op die dansvloer en gelukkig te hou.
Daleen word toe ingevoer al die pad van Upington af! En glo my, die partytjie was vuur en vlam tot op die laaste nippertjie!


Dit was begin Februarie toe my hart terug roep Wes-Kaap toe. 
Ek het al vergeet hoeveel beter wyn in die Boland proe.
Een somersaand bevind ek my op my vriendin se plaas, 
my hart was weer rustig en onstlae van die geraas. 
Die buurman nooi ons toe na ‘n plaasbraai by die dam. 
Die samesyn was sonskyn en ‘n vuurtjie vat toe vlam.
Aanvanklik het ek die vuur probeer vermy, 
want die seun van die plaas was nogal arrogant volgens my. 
Die seun van die plaas het ‘n boodskap op Facebook gestuur. 
Ek het steeds niks daarvan gemaak nie, 
maar die geselskap was ‘n plesier. 

Kort daarna was ek oppad na die Vrystaat. 
Twee vriende het getrou. 
Ek het gedink ek gaan saam met die man wat my hart vir jare vas kon hou.
Min wetend dat hy op die nippertjie sou laat weet hy kan dit nie maak. 
Die seun van die plaas, het my toe by die lughawe kom haal.
Nooit het ek geweet dat ek eendag sy vrou sou raak. 
Hy het my hart gevat en hom stywer vasgehou, 
en kort voor lank, op my ouers se plaas, het hy my gevra om met hom te trou.

~C. Mouton Burger



Liewe Diensverskaffers.  Vreeslik baie dankie vir julle elkeen se bydrae tot Phillip en Chrisna se huweliksbevestiging.  Sonder julle kennis en talent sou ek nie hierdie mooi foto’s kon vasvang nie.  Daar sal binnekort ‘n webskakel beskikbaar gestel word om foto’s af te laai vir gebruik.  Vir nou, deel asb hierdie blog skakel op sosiale media tot die aflaai skakel beskikbaar is.  Liefde, Landi.

Fotograaf: Organictales

Rok: Cindy Bam

Venue: Die Woud

Grimering: Mariette Conradie

Hare: Sanmarie Botha

Videograaf: Alleta Francina

Troukoek:  Birdcage

Skryfbehoeftes:  Rob Signs

Tafeldoek:  Bloomprints

Blomme: Marlize Mouton, Maria Delgardo en Chrisna Mouton Burger

Dekor: Chrisna Mouton Burger

Papier blomme tydens Seremonie: Moody Affair

Blomme van onthaal, handruikers en blommekranse: Maria Delgardo en Marlize Mouyon

Blommemeisies se rokke: Hezanne Viljoen

DJ: Daleen Burger

Spyseniers: Die Woud

Diemersfontein Wedding – Quinton & Nicole

By Wedding4 Comments

Diemersfontein Wedding.


How did this story begin?

We met by a lagoon by the light of a bonfire. Quinton first heard my voice and I first saw him him dancing.
When Quinton decided to propose, he took me to the beach front where we had our first date. The first time we went out, Quinton didn’t realize it was a date. This time, it was me who was surprised!


Tell us about the style of your wedding, your dress and the story behind the rings.

Family was the most important element of our wedding at Diemersfontein Wedding Venue. The most important thing was that all our guests had fun – and the smiles all round by the end of the night were the best thing we could have hoped for!!
My mom made my dress with the most amount of love. She bought the lace for the bodice in Amsterdam! In regards to the rings, Quinton consulted with my best friend on the design of my engagement ring! It’s one of a kind!
Our wedding rings reflect our individual personalities – Quinton’s being charcoal Tungsten and mine matching my rose gold engagement ring.

What was the most memorable moment of the day?

Giggling at the pulpit. We couldn’t help ourselves – it was the craziest, most unbelievable moment sitting there with each other.

How did you experience your Photographer’s services?

When we finished our couple’s portraits with some time to spare,  Landi from Organictales said “Wait, before we go… Do you see that light there? You up for a last few extra photos on that hill?
Quinton said to me: “I absolutely love that she’s making so much effort!
We were in such good hands for the whole entire experience.

Any advice to other couples still in the planning process? What was the most difficult and what really helped?

Make sure that you both have the most fun!
What really helped was our parents, specifically Nicole‘s mom, who made so much effort over the course of the year to make sure everything was perfect. We couldn’t have done any of this without them.

Tell us about the Honeymoon!!

We opted for a mini-moon in Simonstown, as we both needed to be back at work the week after the wedding. It was spectacular – we saw some penguins, ate some amazing seafood and really just enjoyed each other’s company.




Service Providers:

Please do not copy, download or screenshot images from this page.  A Downloadable link with the full album will be made available soon.

Venue:  Diemersfontein Wedding Venue

Photographer: Organictales

Dress: Bride’s Mother

Delsma Farm Wedding – Lara & Wiehann

By Wedding2 Comments

Delsma Farm Wedding.

~A Riverside Chapter

Tell us about how you met.

We met each other on the 29th of August 2015 while out with friends. Wiehann introduced himself in a very convincing Irish accent which I loved!! He was leaving for the USA a month later and we had to make the most of our time together. It wasn’t difficult to feel comfortable together as we had an instant connection. I loved the fact that I could totally be myself with him.  He has a sense of humour and is easy to talk to and he knows what he wants out of life.


How did the proposal go down?

We went to Onrus for my birthday and Wiehann told me that we should go for wine tasting, without giving too much details. He took me to Domaine Des Dieux in the Hemel and Aarde Valley which has the most amazing view of the mountains. As we were sipping on our champagne he suggested we take one last photo. As we finished he started telling me how much he loved me and went on one knee… it was so special and the best birthday surprise and present I could have wished for. The lady at the tasting room was in on the whole thing and captured everything on camera.  Wiehann arranged everything for months to make sure it was perfect.

What was the style of your wedding and where did you find your inspiration?

We never had a specific style in mind but we wanted a relaxed/simplistic style with a pop of colour. We added some personal touches and DIY items. We found inspiration in a few Wedding magazines, Pinterest, suggestions from family/friends and most of all guidance from our decor and flower provider.  


Why did you choose your venue?

We had a few venues in the area that we wanted to visit and it was actually Wiehann’s sister that suggested Delsma Farm Wedding Venue. The one thing that stood out to me was the fact that Delsma Farm had so much accommodation on site for our guests, which was very important. The space where we would have the ceremony was by the river under big trees and we both just knew this was the one!

How did you decide on your dress and where did you find it?

My dress was designed and made by Annelie Designs in Saldanha. She has made wedding dresses for many of my family members so I knew her work was impeccable. I gave Annelie a few pictures of different styles and focus points that I liked. I wanted a simple ‘A’ line dress with some lace detail and a low cut back. She took all of those elements and created something out of a fairytale. 


Who made sure your make-up and hair looked beautiful?

Deline Engelbrecht from Anuk in Ceres was in charge of making us all look fabulous and she did an amazing job!! She made us feel comfortable and relaxed during the whole process and her work speaks for itself. All of the Mothers, Bridesmaids and myself looked and felt beautiful on the day. 

What was the most memorable moment of the day?

All I can remember is the nerves, no one can ever try to even explain how nervous it is asking a mother and farther if you can marry their daughter, asking the love of your life to marry you and finally what it is like on your wedding day when you stand in front of all of your friends and family and seeing her come down the aisle. I still get tears in my eyes when I see videos of Lara walking down the aisle, I think that would be something I would not forget for the rest of my life.


Who officiated the ceremony?

Alwyn Carstens from Welgelegen NG Church officiated the wedding. Alwyn also officiated Wiehann’s cousin’s wedding, did the funeral of Wiehann’s grandmother and also baptised Wiehann’s cousin’s first son, so it was a no brainer when we had to approach someone to officiate the wedding. Alwyn was absolutely great, it was a real pleasure sharing this experience with him and he made us feel so calm the day of the wedding.


Is there any special story behind your rings? Where did you find them?

Lara had previously shown me photos of rings that she really liked which were on her Pinterest profile. At that point we had not even discussed the possibility of getting engaged even though we both knew it was inevitable. Trying to keep it a secret I took a screen shot off of her phone, sms’d it to myself (not Whatsapp as I was afraid that she might notice it), contacted Zuyda van Dyk and crossed my fingers that she would fall in love with the ring.

How did you experience your Photographer’s services?

Landi Groenewald from Organictatles really out did herself as our photographer and made us feel completely comfortable in front of the camera. She is very professional at all times and knows how to have fun while on the job. Landi was proactive in looking for places to capture the perfect moment prior to the photo shoot. The photographs you have of the day are the precious memories you get to cherish forever and that is why photography played a big role on our special day.

Who made sure there was good music and sound on the day?

This was purely team work. Lara enjoys more modern music while I enjoy more of the old school classics. I remember sitting one evening working through playlists until 1am in the morning trying the find the perfect wedding songs, when the list was complete I let Lara also have a listen to the song selections to see what she thought. Of course my knowledge of modern music is very limited so she was able to add the final touches for the “after 10pm” music. Our DJ, Justin from Pie in the sky handled the rest. 


Who were your caterers and what was on the Menu? 

Delsma Farm Wedding venue did the catering for the day and the food was beautifully prepared and very delicious. 


Mini boerewors rolls, mini tacos, spring rolls and bruschetta with caramelised onion and camembert.

Rooster koeke with preserves

Deboned leg of lamb, stuffed pork neck, blanched green beans and mushrooms and roasted vegetable couscous salad.

Lamingtons, melktert spring rolls and chocolate éclairs


Our stunning wedding cake was made by my brother in law, Terrence as a wedding gift. The most delicious carrot cake with naked icing and beautifully decorated with fresh flowers.


Any advice to other couples still in the planning process?

I would say take your time to figure out what you want from the day and what it means to you. Once you have an idea everything will flow. Communication is also very important, not only between you and your fiancé but your service providers as well to make sure everyone is on the same page.  The best thing we did was firstly set up a budget and then we divided the responsibilities, so that we both had a part in the planning. Believe me two heads are better than one and you have fun while planning your special day together. We also had an amazing team that helped us and knowing your wedding day is in good hands takes away a lot of the stress. 


Describe your wedding day in one sentence.

Best day of our lives and the perfect start to our future together. 


Service Providers:

Please DO NOT download, copy or screenshot images from this webpage.  A downloadable link with the full wedding will be made available soon.

Venue: Delsma Farm Wedding Venue

Photography: Organictales

Dress: Annelie Designs

Bridesmaids Dresses: Daisy Island

Rings: Zuyda van Dyk

Hair and Make-up: ANUK


Allesverloren – Nadia & Mario

By WeddingOne Comment

Allesverloren Wedding.

~A Windy Chapter.


Tell us about how you met and the attributes that drew you to each other.

We met in 2012 while working at the same company. We became good friends and early on we both saw qualities in each other that we liked, however timing was always an issue as either of us were in other relationships at different times. Qualities we share includes reading, being outside, exercising, spending time with family and eating.

How did the proposal go down?

Mario used our one year anniversary as camouflage and organised a weekend away. While we were busy dining at TokaraMario had organised with his sister and the venue where we were staying to make up the room with rose petals and champagne. Trying to play it ultra cool Mario didn’t want to give anything away and we stayed a bit longer than anticipated. As we approached the room we heard a clatter as the ice in the champagne bowl had melted and the whole bowl fell to the ground. Between cleaning the mess he went down on one knee and popped the question. There were laughter, tears and a lot of love.

What was the style of your wedding and where did you find your inspiration?

Nadia loved the idea of getting married outside and we found Allesverloren where the ceremony could take place in the woods which was within our budget. We knew what we liked, but without Pinterest and a few Wedding magazines, we would have been a little lost. The colours, maroon and navy blue, were mainly for winter weddings, but we liked how striking they were and went with it.

Why did you choose your venue?

We had actually made an appointment at another venue close by and our parents came through for moral support. Nadia wasn’t quite convinced about the venue so Mario mentioned that he had been at a wedding at Allesverloren and that it was just down the road. As we all walked through the path toward the forest chapel, Nadia gave her mother this look and Mario knew he had to ask whether Allesverloren could accommodate us.

How did you decide on your dress and where did you find it?

Nadia was never one of those girls who dreamed about her perfect wedding dress since she was a little girl. So once the question was popped, the search was on. She didn’t know what she wanted, but knew what she didn’t like. She ended up trying on the first dress at Ever After Bridal and knew immediately that it was the one.

Is there any special story behind your rings? Where did you find them?

We both gave the other one a choice of a few wedding bands to choose from and not so secretly hinted at which each of us would prefer… with the engagement ring Mario chose a Protea design because it is Nadia’s favourite flower and the Protea was a key feature throughout the wedding appearing on the table arrangements as well as Nadia’s bouquet.

Who made sure your make-up and hair looked beautiful?

Mario‘s cousin, Simone Taljaard and Lismari Boonzaaier, helped with all the girls’ hair on the day. They truly did an amazing job and stayed right on schedule during the entire afternoon. The make-up was done by Liezl Visagie, a friend of Mario‘s sister. She is such a stunning human being and Nadia couldn’t help falling in love with her quirkiness and sense of humor right from the start. She made sure everyone looked beautiful and was also done on time. Nadia’s make-up and hair was a personal highlight.

What was the most memorable moment of the day?

For Mario seeing his bride walking down the isle and how well the first dance went considering his two left feet.
For Nadia it was most definitely the sheer excitement of walking down the isle and looking into her new, and somewhat emotional husband’s eyes. It was the happiest moment of my life and I couldn’t have asked for a better service. It was beautiful and spoke to the heart.

Who officiated the ceremony? How did you find him and what made you choose him?

We were a bit clueless as to who we would ask to officiate as the guests were 99% Afrikaans and we attend an English church, so Suzanne who helped organise all of the decor suggested we give Riaan de Villiers a call. He was incredibly nice from the start and his message on the day was absolutely beautiful.

How did you experience your Photographer’s service and where did the importance of photography fall in your day?

Our Photographer Landi Groenewald from Organictales was amazing since the first day we had coffee with her to meet up about the different wedding packages. We were searching for a certain look and feel that was captured within her style. She was organised, checked in multiple times and helped us out with service providers throughout the planning phase. On the day she was calm and knew exactly what she wanted from us. Even when the wind was howling it didn’t make her stray from what she wanted to achieve with the end result.
For us the photos will forever hold a special place in our hearts, as it will be the only memory we will have when we’re old and grey.

Who was your videographer and how was the experience of having them present on the day?

Rory from Organictales was our very unexpected, but pleasant surprise. We didn’t plan on having a Videographer, but Landi approached us with the idea and we immediately agreed. He was reserved, but knew what he was doing and gave us great pointers on what to do. We are extremely excited to see what he has in store for us!

Did you have a wedding/event planner and how did this service benefit you before and on the day?

Suzanne Visser from Dear Idea is an old friend of Mario and to be honest we would not have managed without her. She was always willing for a quick cup of coffee just to ease our minds and the decor was stunning. She really was the backbone of the whole day and we will be forever thankful for her.

Who were the caterers who made sure your guests were happy and fed? 

Bertus Bester from Allesverloren is also the chef and the food was out of this world. We decided not to do a starter but asked for their famous Harvest Table which carried our guests through to the main meal. That included roast beef and chicken pie with roast potatoes, cream spinach and veggies. For dessert we had a carrot wedding cake and small jars of peppermint crisp and cheesecake.

Any advice to other couples still in the planning process? What was the most difficult and what really helped?

We would have been wrecks without Suzanne from Dear Idea who took all the stress of the decor and flowers off our hands including making a mock-table, setting up on the day and doing the delivery to and from the venue. If it’s within your budget, we would highly recommend hiring someone to help as you don’t necessarily know the industry as well as they do.

Tell us about the Honeymoon!!

Mario kept the destination a secret right up to when we checked in at the airport. We spent our honeymoon in the beautiful town of Ao Nang in Krabi. We had the best time in the most beautiful destination. From spending days on neighbouring islands to just laying on the beach at Railay with a book. It was an unforgettable experience which ended off with two days of shopping in Bangkok.

Service Providers:

Please do not download/copy/lift images from this website. A downloadable link with the full wedding will be made available soon.
Music – DJ Dean 
Flowers/DecorDear Idea 
Venue –  Allesverloren
Big LettersLekker Trou
Pastor Riaan de Villiers – 084 795 2223
Champagne – Durbanville Liquors – 021 976 5568
Hair – Simone Taljaard & Lismari Boonzaaier – 084 512 8855
Make-up – Liezl Visagie – 074 361 0757